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Instructions before cupping:
- It is preferable to perform preventive cupping in the morning due to the rise in the natural cortisone hormone in the body during the morning period.
- It is recommended to wash before cupping.
- Work to rest the body the day before cupping, relax, and not exert muscular effort or engage in hobbies that have a high- or low-pressure environment, such as flying, diving, etc.
- Abstaining from eating before cupping for a period of at least three hours in general, and refraining from eating anything that is difficult to digest in particular, because cupping on an empty stomach is very beneficial for the body. This is in imitation of the words of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace (Cupping on an empty stomach is better and has healing and blessings and increases memory and reason) 3169 in Sahih Al-Jami’.
- Before cupping, the person performing cupping must drink a lot of light fluids such as water and natural juices, as well as immediately after cupping for patients who suffer from low blood pressure or anemia. Those who suffer from these two diseases must also notify the doctor before starting cupping.
- The doctor must be informed about the diseases that the person having the cupping is suffering from, especially if the disease is contagious, such as (hepatitis, AIDS, etc.), in order to be careful of the transmission of infection, and also to determine the cupping sites for each disease, the precise location of which will be a reason for recovery, God Almighty willing.
Instructions after preventive cupping:
- He should abstain from all muscular effort, including sexual intercourse, after cupping for 24 hours. This is in order to maintain its strength and activity. One should also avoid high and low blood pressure, including traveling by plane and diving, and abstinence should be for 24 hours only.
- It is better for the stoned person to eat food that is easy to digest, such as vegetables, fruits, candy, and anything that is boiled and non-fat, so as not to strain the digestive system, which makes it difficult to digest, such as animal proteins, fats, and milk, for 24 hours.
- The patient should relax and not stress himself or get angry after cupping so as not to become agitated and have high blood pressure. Not getting enough rest may also be a reason for the pain to return again due to an imbalance of energy in the body. He should refrain from drinking, smoking (for smokers), ice cream, etc. Very cold liquids for a period ranging from 12 to 24 hours.
- The attacker can wash with warm water, which is best. However, the tape sites should not be rubbed to prevent delaying the healing of the cupping scratches. This could lead to leaving a slight trace of the tape, and this is completely undesirable, especially for women.
- The cupping site should be covered by the cupping site and not exposed to cold air, as is the case with all wounds, so as not to be exposed to germs and infections.
- Some people feel a rise in body temperature on the second day of cupping. This is normal and is a result of increased immunity in the body and goes away quickly.
- Some people feel a little nauseous or have diarrhea when they vomit in their lower back. This is also normal as a result of the cleansing that occurs due to the stimulation of the colon, small intestine and stomach.
The effects of cupping begin to disappear gradually from the third day after the cupping procedure and disappear completely after two to three weeks. The duration of the disappearance of the effect left by cupping varies from one person to another depending on the skin type.
Cupping is one of the most effective therapeutic solutions in treating headaches, migraines, or migraines. Many cases that suffered from migraines and headaches benefited after cupping, and the headache pain went away immediately and migraine attacks disappeared in all stages. There are also recent researches and studies that have proven these benefits, as cupping works through the secretion of endorphins and nitric oxide, which work to expand blood vessels, relax muscles, and relieve pain.
Cupping for a diabetic patient is very useful after ensuring good control of the sugar level, and there is no problem in performing it, especially since there are special arrangements for diabetics made by the cupping specialist. Of which:
- Reduce the number of dashes and their depth
- Strictly refrain from cupping the feet, while ensuring good sterilization before and after cupping.
There are special places for cupping a person suffering from rheumatism, taking into account the patient’s health condition.
no, Doctors always advise pregnant women not to perform cupping due to constant changes in the levels of various elements in the blood.
On the other hand, there is no problem at all with cupping after childbirth after the levels of hemoglobin, hormones, and various elements have stabilized.
It is known that cupping increases cortisone levels in the blood.
But, It is always preferable to consult a physician before performing cupping because he is more knowledgeable about the condition. Therefore, I know whether he will reduce the dose of cortisone for the patient or will remain at the existing dose while performing the cupping procedure.
Although cupping stimulates immunity, However, for unknown reasons, cupping has been found to help patients with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It improves their condition by reducing activated immunity. In addition, it helps relieve inflammation and pain.