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correct cupping positions

100% correct cupping positions

Correct cupping sites and where did cupping begin ??

Cupping seems to have risen in popularity since gold medal-winning swimmer Michael Phelps appeared in the 2016 Olympic swimming races that were displaying those distinct circular marks, and when asked, he replied that he regularly relied on cupping to recover from the demands of football that took place on his body.

And when he was asked how he felt after his treatments, he said: “[All] I know is before I get treatment, he got hurt, and after that, I feel better.” Now cupping (and acupuncture) done of course I trust it and celebrities and professional athletes trust me to get reap The benefits of these conventional treatments however, just because cupping has had some time in the spotlight doesn’t mean it’s new.

In fact, cupping therapy has been practiced for thousands of years, with some of the earliest records dating back to 1550 B.C. In ancient Greece and 300 AD in China. As traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has developed, so has cupping. Bamboo, stone jars, and animal horns were eventually replaced by the specialized glass cups that are used today.

Although cupping has been practiced for centuries in China, it has become an official treatment method in hospitals during the 1950s to the present day, and cupping still displays the hallmark of TCM along with other soft tissue modalities such as Gua Sha and of course, acupuncture.

Methods of cupping

The good news is that cupping is beneficial for everyone and not just being a professional athlete to take advantage of cupping, this dynamic in which blood flow in muscles that is tight and painful, and restricted by creating space for old blood, oxygen-rich blood can enter, and cupping promotes free flow. By removing blockages and stagnation along meridians that cause pain.

There are many methods of cupping, including:

Cupping slide: During the treatment again, for example, one or two cups are placed, usually starting by sliding them along the muscles / meridians involved allowing me to identify areas of stagnation and poor blood flow, which is seen in pink Dark to red / purple.

Fixed cupping: Once you have identified these areas of stagnation, put several more cups and leave them in place for a few more minutes you don’t need to be on cups too long to be effective during this time patients feel relaxed and some said they felt as if they were floating in the best kind of way. .

The signs that appear are the expected and therapeutic side effects that wear off in a few days to a week, depending on the person.

الحجامة الصحيحة

Health benefits of correct cupping

Reduces pain

Although cupping may seem like magic, and there are known physiological effects and mechanisms underway that even science agrees, studies (from a systematic review – the highest quality of research) have shown its effectiveness in managing acute and chronic pain, so what is good for it ? Cupping is ideal for neck / back / shoulder fatigue, sports injuries, sore / tight muscles and headaches (especially tension-type headaches that come from chronic tightness of the upper back / neck muscles).

Relieves tension and emotional tension

And it should come as no surprise that stress and unprocessed emotions create tension in our bodies. Stress is often a trigger or contributor to chronic health conditions, from anxiety and depression to allergic sensitivities, digestive disorders, etc. I work with a lot of patients who carry stress, past traumas, and deep-rooted emotions in their bodies in various ways, but the most common sources of stress are the neck, shoulders and back.

In Chinese medicine, our emotions have physical effects on blood circulation in the body and internal organs. By promoting the free flow of qi and blood in muscles and meridians, cupping relieves physical tension in the body.

When the heavy feelings attached to it dissipate, cupping is often used for patients suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and physical pain due to the emotional roots of stress for this reason.

Improves the immune system

Research indicates that cupping benefits the immune system by initiating “artificial local inflammation” that signals the body to release antibodies and phagocytes that “sweep” the damaged cells of an organism and thus “give it a protective role by increasing immunity”. The study also cites to improve lymph flow. It increases the level of interferon factor and tumor necrosis which has therapeutic results for patients with autoimmune diseases.

Reducing congestion

Cupping was originally used for pulmonary tuberculosis (as it has been for thousands of years), but it still has a therapeutic role in arresting coughs, relieving chest congestion, and helping to remove excess mucus from allergies and other respiratory illnesses and when cupping is done on the upper back, It benefits the lungs by creating space for deeper breathing while loosening up stubborn phlegm.

Improve recovery time

Cupping can lower your recovery times to keep you performing at the level you want it to be besides, cupping is not just when your body is being exploited, I work with lifters, baseball players, runners, and MMA fighters who enjoy getting cupping as a preventative way to ward off Soreness, maintenance of mobility, and getting a long stretch in chronically narrowed muscles.

فروع مكة المكرمة

شارع الملك عبدالعزيز

طريق الملك عبد العزيز، الدوادمي 17452، المملكة العربية السعودية


أرقام الاتصال المباشرة لفرع الدوادمي

@ almoudawah.com

فروع أبها

حي مفتاحه

شارع الملك عبدالعزيز الحزام بجوار مطعم باب التراث


أرقام الاتصال المباشرة لفرع حي مفتاحه

@ almoudawah.com

فروع حفر الباطن

حفر الباطن

طريق أبو بكر الصديق - المحمدية - حفر الباطن


أرقام الاتصال المباشرة لفرع حفر الباطن

@ almoudawah.com

Mecca branches

King Abdulaziz Street

King Abdulaziz Road, Dawadmi 17452, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Direct contact numbers for the Dawadmi branch


Abha Branches

Moftah neighborhood

King Abdulaziz Street Al-Hizam next to Bab Al-Turath Restaurant


Direct contact numbers for Moftah neighborhood
